Here is a small selection of catalog covers and spreads I did while working at GiftTree. Laying out a catalog spread is similar to putting a complicated puzzle together; gift baskets happen to be very unique puzzle pieces! Fitting all of the dissimilar puzzle pieces, including images, product copy, marketing messaging and branding elements together into a clear and easy to digest spread (that sells lots of product) is almost zen-like for me.
As our world becomes ever more digital, cataloging may seem somewhat antiquated; however, in certain industries it is still an integral part of marketing strategy. At GiftTree the seasonal catalogs represented a large portion of yearly marketing spend and helped drive a large portion of yearly profit. One of the main measures of catalog success is the per-book profit. GiftTree’s per-book profit was regularly double that of our competitors and when I took over the design of the catalog we increased the return by another 15-20% on average.
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