At GiftTree, the Graphics team had the privilege of working with pretty much every department and one of the departments we collaborated with most consistently was Marketing. We provided them with all of the necessaryday-to-day digital assets, as well as physical marketing assets when requested. This “Prospecting Calendar” was one of the more unique physical marketing pieces that I designed for my awesome Marketing colleagues. GiftTree is very involved with B2C and B2B sales; in this case, the calendar was designed specifically for prospective B2B customers.
The goal was to design a functional, visually striking desktop calendar that would help busy professionals (and/or their assistants), keep track of important national holidays, as well as business specific holidays, such as Employee Appreciation Day and Business Women’s Day. It also provided tips and inspiration for business gifting on the back of each calendar page. From a Marketing standpoint, it was also a great way to keep a small reminder of where to shop on the prospective client’s desk. In my decade as a graphic designer, I’ve worked with just about every type printer you can imagine, but this is the first time I got to work with an artisan woodworker on producing the wooden bases. The bases were then engraved on GiftTree’s in-house laser engravers.
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